Regaining Momentum: Steps to Reconnect with Your Practice

Getting off track is a natural part of the journey, especially when life takes unexpected twists and turns. When we find ourselves out of sync with healthy habits or anything that we have set out to do for personal growth, depending on the circumstances, it can sometimes be challenging to regain momentum. For some, veering off course is a temporary detour, as their practices are so ingrained that it's easy to return to them. For others, especially those who are new to the path or returning after significant life changes, finding their way back can be more difficult.

Getting back on track might mean picking up right where you left off or gently easing yourself back onto your path. Today, we will share how yoga, meditation, and managing energetic investments can guide us back on our path. You can choose to follow one of these steps or integrate them all into your daily practice.

Step 1: Find Clarity with Meditation

Sometimes, we lose our way when we lose clarity about our true needs. Meditation serves as a powerful tool to quiet our minds and soothe our nervous systems, allowing us to realign more clearly. Dedicating daily moments—from 5 minutes to an hour or more—to meditation can significantly reduce mental clutter and refocus us on what truly matters and encourage us to extend grace to ourselves as we navigate our way back.

Step 2: Reignite Your Inner Fire through Yoga

Yoga, as a holistic practice, not only brings balance to mind, body, and spirit, but it also helps us navigate feelings of disconnection, overwhelm, and restlessness. Yoga encourages us to embrace healthy challenges and find our balance, which in turn allows our practice to evolve and continually expand our journey. A daily practice that includes mindfulness, breathing exercises, and asanas for 10 minutes to an hour can powerfully guide us back to balance.

Step 3: Manage Your Energetic Investments

Every conversation, interaction, and commitment requires an energetic investment. This doesn't always correlate with the amount of time spent and requires assessing whether we have the energy reserves to commit to the tasks at hand—both planned and unplanned. Often, when we create our to-do lists, we don't account for the mental, emotional, and physical energy required. View time as a precious resource as you plan your days, and always maintain healthy boundaries.

Our exploration of Tapas for Momentum continues throughout the month. In addition to our weekly classes, we have some exciting offerings coming up that provide various ways to support you on your journey. Be sure to keep reading below to see what's in store. We look forward to seeing you, whether in-studio or online, as we continue to nurture our inner flames, making steady progress toward our larger goals. Have a beautiful rest of your day!


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